Continuous Learning Improvement Process

Understand our Continuous Learning Improvement Process

The Charlotte Core Faculty Leadership Team, UGE, and the Office of Assessment and Accreditation in consultation with UCFC coordinate the continuous learning improvement of the general education program. We focus on ongoing student learning and development over time and across the curriculum rather than on individual courses. This means that students are not expected to demonstrate mastery of the competencies in any one general education course. Instead, the continuous learning improvement process works to establish a baseline of student achievement in the general education curriculum to measure growth over time in the four competency areas.

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General Education Program Assessment Details

The chart below identifies the general education courses where we collect student artifacts for the general education program assessment. You also can find our competency rubrics linked in the third column. It is important to note that courses where the competency is explicitly introduced and taught in the general education curriculum have been identified for artifact collection, but students will be engaging the competencies in multiple general education courses, in their majors, and in co-curricular activities.

Select Course(s)Competency MeasuredGeneral Education Program Competency RubricTimeline
First-Year Writing
(WRDS 1103 or 1104)
Written CommunicationWritten Communication RubricData collection will begin AY 2023-2024 and occur every other year
Critical Thinking and Communication
(CTCM 2530)
Critical ThinkingCritical Thinking Rubric
Math or StatisticsQuantitative/DataQuantitative/Data RubricData collection will begin AY 2024-2025 and occur every other year
Global and Local Theme Courses
(1501, 1502, 1511, and 1512)
Engagement Across PerspectivesEngagement Across Perspectives Rubric

Continuous Learning Improvement Process

We adopt this process each academic year to collect, rate, and analyze student artifacts from the general education courses identified above.

  1. A random sample of general education courses where the competencies are introduced and taught will be identified, and faculty will be contacted before the semester to let them know artifacts will be collected from their section
  2. A sample of assignments/artifacts from those courses will be collected and deidentified
  3. Faculty reviewers will be identified to review student artifacts and provided a $500 stipend (dependent on budget)
  4. Faculty reviewers will meet for norming training to prepare for rating artifacts
  5. Two-three faculty reviewers will then rate each deidentified artifact
  6. Aggregated results on student learning of the competencies will be provided to UCFC and discussed with all relevant general education faculty