Faculty and Staff Opportunities
Get Involved in the Charlotte Core
We offer faculty and staff several opportunities to support their teaching of the core competencies and provide peer learning resources in select general education courses. Faculty and staff also can get involved in our continuous learning improvement process.
UGE works in consultation with the Charlotte Core Faculty Leadership Team and the University College Faculty Council (UCFC) to support the Charlotte Core.

Course Prep
We ask all faculty who teach CTCM 2530 or a Theme course to participate in Course Prep the term before they first teach it. The required Course Prep includes online asynchronous modules in Canvas and a one-on-one or small group consultation. We generally put through two cohorts of faculty every academic year–one in the fall for those teaching in the spring and one in the summer for those teaching in the fall.
CTCM 2530 Course Prep
The CTCM 2530 Course Prep modules and consultation focus on situating the course within the Charlotte Core, understanding the critical thinking and communication competencies, and developing an inquiry project that demonstrates critical thinking. Faculty remain in the Canvas site after completion as it serves as an ongoing resource for CTCM 2530 faculty.
Sign up for CTCM 2530 Course Prep. You will be asked to indicate when you are first teaching this course and when you would prefer to complete the course prep.
Theme Course Course Prep
The Theme Course Prep modules and consultation focus on situating the course within the Charlotte Core, understanding the engagement across perspectives and critical thinking competencies, and developing a perspectives assignment that demonstrates the competency. Faculty remain in the Canvas site after completion as it serves as an ongoing resource for Theme faculty.
Sign up for Theme Course Prep. You will be asked to indicate when you are first teaching this course and when you would prefer to complete the course prep.
Teaching Academies
Communication-Enhanced Teaching Academy (CETA) Level 1: Beyond the Paper
Communication Across the Curriculum (CxC) supports faculty working to integrate writing into their course design and teaching practices in any size course in CETA 1. Faculty develop a variety of activities and assignments and work toward feeling more confident in teaching critical thinking and communication competencies. Faculty who complete CETA Level 1 are invited to apply for the CETA Level 2. This Academy is offered once a year from May-July. Applications open in February.
Communication-Enhanced Teaching Academy (CETA) Level 2: Transform your Course
Faculty build on their work in CETA 1 to integrate communication across and throughout their course curriculum and teaching practices. Specifically, faculty identify and scaffold specific communication skills, integrate supportive teaching and learning strategies, and identify opportunities for faculty, peer, and self-feedback. This Academy is offered once a year from May-July. Applications are restricted to faculty who completed CETA 1 and open in February.
Peer-to-Peer Learning Resources
UGE provides several peer-to-peer learning supports for faculty teaching and students taking select general education courses.
Preceptors assist faculty and students as they engage in active learning strategies in specific sections of 1000 and 2000-level courses that have large enrollment and high DFW rates
PALs (peer-assisted learning) are trained to guide students and apply course concepts through fun and collaborative activities that provide more practice in challenging courses
CxC Communication Consultants support the teaching and learning of communication in CTCM 2530 and other communication-enhanced courses
UCAE Tutors provide course-specific academic support through appointments and drop-in tutoring